Saturday, September 4, 2010

goosbumps the dethly store by luke

once there was a store that was huntid i dont like it it is so creepy that is why i dont like it that much once i had to stay there one nihgt it was so creepy but i just neded to find a hiding place then i wuld be safe from the gohsts but one saw me i was so scared of the gohst so i ran away from it but i ran into somthing it was the janitor he was very mad at me so i ran agin then i stopt becose it was open so i ran home to my mom but then it was a dream i was stil in the store then it was finally open the end

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

todays good day

it was a specil day today becose i did art it was so fun becose i did a haert for my mom and dad thay will love it so much thats the end.